Every year British people make bonfires
on 5th November, called “Bonfire Night”. They celebrate the anniversary of the Gunpowder
Plot. They remember that, in 1605, a man called Guy Fawkes and a group of plotters
tried to blow up the Houses of Parliament in London.
On that date the King and his leaders were opening the Parliament, an annual ceremony
that takes place every November. Guy Fawkes wanted to kill the King James I. They
were discovered, tortured and executed.
Nowadays on Bonfire Night people light bonfires, let off fireworks, eat warm Bonfire
Night food, like sausages and jacket potatoes and celebrate that the king was not
During the days before Bonfire Night, children make a life-sized effigy of Guy Fawkes,
called “GUY”, by stuffing old clothes with newspapers.
They put it in prams and on the streets they ask for money saying “A penny for the
guy”. Adults give them money and then they spend it on sparkles and sweets. They
put the guy on the bonfire and burn it.
Every year the Queen Elisabeth II travels on a coach drawn by four horses from Buckingham
Palace to Westminster for the State Opening of the Parliament
Laura Briz Romero
Estudiante de ESO 4
Christmas Story
The bunny fun.
A fluffy rabbit lived in the forest. One day he was sitting in the shade of a tree
when a squirrel approached him.
- Hello, sir rabbit, said the squirrel. And looking toward her, she pulled out his
tongue and began to run out.
- Silly, thought the squirrel.
One the way to his burrow, the rabbit met a fawn who also wanted to say hello:
- Good morning, sir rabbit. And again the rabbit pulled out his tongue and began
to run.
And he always did the same when he met an animal in the forest.
One day, all the animals decided to give him a good lesson. They agreed that they
mustn’t say hello when they saw the rabbit.
In the following days, the whole word ignored the rabbit. No one talked to him and
no one greeted him. On day, all animals organized a party and the rabbit appeared
in the middle of the party.
No body took notice of him. Then, the rabbit overwhelmed by the lack of attention
of his colleagues and he decided to leave with his ears low.
The other animals called him and the rabbit promised them not to mock any more of
his friends in the forest. Everybody amused on the party and they lived together
very happy for ever.
Rosaura Dueñas
Alonso - ESO 1A
Fátima Santamaría Muñoz - ESO 1A
Mónica López Valle - ESO 1A
Laura Urrutia González - ESO 1A
The Thanksgiving day in the USA
The Thanksgiving Day is the most familiar day in the year. Everybody is gathered
with his friends or family to celebrate a great meal together. In the past the thanksgiving
day was to give thanks to good, but now it is known for its succulent dinners. The
day of turkey was also other name because each family cooked a turkey in a special
The “cranberrgsauce”or “pumpkin pier” are other typical menu of thanksgiving.
There is also a traditional football match.
Each day of Thanksgiving is celebrated a party that American continue to care. The
next day after the feast and rest, they go shopping. This is the so called “black
Friday”, the day in the year where the most purchases occur.
Mónica López
Valle - ESO 1A
Rosaura Dueñas Alonso - ESO 1A
Laura Urrutia González - ESO 1A
Fátima Santamaría Muñoz - ESO 1A